This blog post aims to break down the essential steps that individuals living with disability in Australia need to take in order to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Our experienced healthcare team can support your recovery through community group services. These services are individually tailored and supported group activities to suit your needs.
We will identify appropriate community group programs that will help you reach your treatment goals. Your treating health professionals will have indicated that you need to experience shared support in order for you to maximise opportunities for independence in community-based leisure or recreational activities.
These programs will be flexible and responsive to your changing support needs, based on your goals and of interest to you.
Not everyone is interested in the same thing therefore the programs offered to you cover a broad range of learning opportunities and activities which facilitate skill acquisition, recreation, and leisure.
Through participation in community group programs, you will be creating social and peer support networks that are invaluable whilst recovering, as well as building capacity to transition to meaningful mainstream community-based leisure and recreational activities when the time is right.
Above all, we want to provide services that will progress your recovery and improve your quality of life.

HLTHPS006 assist clients with medication course trains care workers to oversee, assist and deliver medicine to their clients checking they take their …
Neurodevelopmental disorders Neurodevelopmental disorders are a group of conditions that affect the development of the brain and nervous system. They typically manifest …
Disability support services are an integral component in the lives of those living with (dis)ability. Recently, two of our team members had …
Recently The Age interviewed us for a feature article on Disability Support. Over three generations, our family has owned and operated Colbrow …
Understanding the NDIS and what it means to those living with disability Understanding the NDIS for many Australians is not easy! However …
The TAC or Transport Accident Commission is a “no-fault” insurance scheme owned by the Victorian Government. What this means in practice is that if you were injured in a transport accident here in Victoria, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation to cover the cost of treatment and support, even if the accident was your fault.
DISABILITY HOME CARE SERVICES It is the right of everybody to be free to pursue anything they want to in life, to …
Before agreeing to access services from a private in-home care service provider, there are a number of questions you should ask to …