Core Supports help you with everyday activities, your current (dis)ability-related needs, and to work towards your goals.

This budget is the most flexible, and in most cases, you can use your funding across any of the following four support categories, with some exceptions pertaining to the Transport category:

  • Assistance with Daily Life
  • Transport
  • Consumables
  • Assistance with Social and Community Participation

The Core support budget covers support for people living with (dis)Ability to complete daily personal activities (in the home or the community) and work towards their goals. It may include assistance with everyday needs such as showering, moving around the house and getting ready for the day.

Some clients need extra support with high-intensity daily personal activities such as naso-gastric feeding and management, tracheotomy management, urinary catheter management, ventilator management, subcutaneous injections, complex wound management, and any other high-intensity supports.

To help maintain the home environment we can provide assistance with household tasks such as cleaning and maintenance.

Colbrow Care is able to provide help with (dis)Ability-related health supports such as continence, nutrition, respiratory, diabetes, podiatry, wound management, epilepsy, and dysphagia.

Being able to get out and about on public transport is something most people take for granted. However, if your (dis)Ability prevents you from using public transport safely or comfortably, and support in this area will help you reach your goals, we can help.

Perhaps you need support with learning about the different forms of transport available to you and how to use these confidently. Our (dis)Ability workers can teach you what you need to know and accompany you on your travels, while you gain confidence.

Sometimes you may not be able to access public transport due to your (dis)Ability. In this case, we can help organise access to taxis, community based transport or ride shares, that enable participation in employment, education, community, social and daily life activities. We can also help organise transport related aids, equipment and modifications that help support your access to transport.

The consumables budget under core supports can be used for the purchase of low-cost and low-risk products that you use on a daily basis, as well as for services that help you with your daily activities.

Products purchased as consumables can help you manage your personal (dis)Ability-related needs. Examples of products may include:

  • Catheters
  • Food preparation products
  • Household cleaning products
  • Beds, mattresses, pillows
  • Personal care and safety products
  • Continence products
  • Interpreting and translating services

The Assistance with Social and Community Participation category supports your goal of increasing community, social and recreational participation.

It can be utilised to pay for (dis)Ability workers to accompany you to community events and for activities or courses that help you socialise and make connections with others.

One of our friendly (dis)Ability workers can support you to:

  • join an art class
  • visit your local library or museum
  • attend a holiday camp
  • check out the latest art exhibition in your town
  • join a sporting club
Core Supports
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