Dementia is a term used to describe a number of illnesses that cause a progressive decline in a person’s function that can …
Companionship & social support services provide human connection and help ageing Australians, seniors looking for companionship if living alone and those without family close by, to feel socially connected and part of a community.
Human connection is a vital element of wellbeing. For those without a family or social network, human connectivity is often lacking. Many seniors are able to continue living independently in their own home. However, for those seniors looking for companionship the days can be long and lonely without a social network. Consequently, this group may consider residential aged care as a solution to loneliness. Residential aged care facilities do provide a social network, but rob seniors of their independence. Our companionship and social support services are committed to facilitating our clients desire for their continued independence.
What is companionship?
Companionship is defined simply as “the state of spending time with someone or having someone to spend time with – the state of having a companion or being someone’s companion. Therefore, a companion frequently spends time with, associates with, or accompanies you when you go places”.
Colbrow Care can provide you with companionship, emotional and social support if you are feeling isolated, depressed, or lonely. As social beings, everyone needs a little human connection.
Our companionship and emotional support care team are skilled in the social game. They are passionate about providing you with the same level of companionship a family member or close friend would. Our team is friendly, caring and compassionate. They will always go the extra mile to ensure you stay active and connected to your community.

Human connection
The COVID pandemic has clearly revealed us as highly social beings. It has shown how dependent we really are on each other and our connections. Being isolated without companionship and social support, has resulted in a global mental health decline.
Human beings are hard wired to make connections. “According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, besides food, water, and safety, love and belonging are the most important needs we must fulfil”. In particular, whenever the ‘love needs’ are not met, Maslow’s theory is clear. Without these needs being met, the individual could become maladjusted and suffer mental ill health.
The importance of human connection is universal. Strong human connections with family and friends matter. To be social beings craving human companionship, emotional and social support, is to be human.
If human connection is missing in your life, Colbrow Care can provide companionship, emotional and social support to help build connections and foster a sense of belonging. We are all better off for engaging with one another, companionship supports our mental and physical wellbeing, improves our quality of life, and, equally important, it serves as a protective factor against anxiety and depression.
Seniors looking for companionship
For seniors looking for companionship, many simply don’t know where or how to start. In particular, the digital world in which we live makes texting strangers easier than saying hello – face to face.
Technology has helped many Australians remain connected to friends and family throughout the pandemic. However, there are those for whom technology continues to frustrate, further compounding their feelings of loneliness and isolation. Too often our busy lives lead us to underestimate the power of a touch or a conversation. A simple act of caring or spending time with another, has the potential to turn a life around for the better. Now more than ever, we need real connection, dependable emotional support, and a feeling of belonging. Whoever we are, wherever we are.
Seniors seeking companionship can engage Colbrow Care’s friendly emotional support team and enjoy the benefits of having someone visit you at home, accompany you to an event or even away on holidays. Colbrow Care can provide you a robust support system that will help you overcome the challenges of living alone and feeling disconnected, and help you build resilience and maintain a state of mental wellbeing.
Our compassionate and friendly companionship and emotional support team can:
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