Changes to the Commonwealth Seniors Card have recently been announced by Services Australia. The new thresholds are set to widen eligibility for …
At Colbrow, we actively involve you in your care assessment and planning. We follow the Consumer Directed Care approach which gives you:
- choice, flexibility, and control over the types of services you receive, how they will be provided, by whom, and when
- choice as to how involved you would like to be in the management of your services
- flexibility to have services altered if they are not meeting your needs
- control over your information
- understanding into how much funding you have, how it is being spent, and what fees and charges you are paying
The initial assessment, whether conducted by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) representative if you’re applying for a Home Care Package, or by a Colbrow Care representative, will help us ascertain which support services you might need to continue living as independently as possible in your own home. During this discussion, the person conducting the assessment will ask you what types of everyday activities you manage yourself and which ones you are finding more challenging to execute on your own. You will be asked what you would like to achieve and if you have any particular goals you are striving for. You will be able to state your preferences regarding care services and the care plan will then be tailored to meet this as closely as possible.
Once this face-to-face assessment is completed, your care plan is created outlining your needs, the services best matched to help meet those needs, and who will provide the services to you and when. A Care Coordinator and staff are assigned to your care plan and will assist you throughout the life of the plan.

Our experienced and compassionate care assessment and planning team will:
As we age, most people want to remain in the comfort and familiarity of their own home. However, as we grow older, …
This year there has been some significant changes to government funded home care, not least of which is giving you, the consumer, …
If you’re thinking of accessing services under a Home Care Package but are unsure of what’s available, the following is a guide …
What types of government funding is available for in-home care services The type of government funding available for in-home care for the …
In-Home Aged Care Costs – Government Funding Explained As our population ages, the demand for in home care will continue to increase. …