Colbrow Care takes all feedback and complaints very seriously. This is regarded as a positive component of service evaluation and continuous improvement and we believe that our response to client complaints/grievances is an important component of improving quality of service. 

You can let us know what we have done well, where we need to improve and where we have made a mistake. We encourage open and honest communication throughout the process.

What can i give feedback about?

You can give compliments about anything we have done well or suggestions for how we can do something better.  For this purpose,

What can I make a complaint about?

You have a right to complain to Colbrow Care, or the relevant external body, regarding any issue or mistakes we may have made during the delivery of our services, or in connection with our services.

Your rights

We are committed to upholding your rights, including the right to:

  • Make a complaint in writing or verbally to your Care Coordinator, Operations Manager or General Manager
  • Use advocates in the complaints process
  • Be free from any reprisal following a complaint, such as any change to, or cancellation of, services
  • Be supported to report your complaint to the relevant external body if you are not satisfied with the way we respond to a complaint
  • Be involved in decisions related to resolving a complaint.
  • Having your privacy and confidentiality protected
  • Remaining anonymous if you choose

Our complaints procedure

The manager investigating the complaint will discuss the details of the complaint with you, or if you prefer, your family, carer, or advocate, including the outcomes you would like to see.

You will receive an acknowledgment of the complaint within 5 days, which will include the expected time-frame for your complaint to be resolved.

If appropriate, we will conduct an investigation into the circumstances surrounding your complaint.

You will receive information on the outcomes of your complaint and be given the chance to review it, or refer the complaint to an external body if you are dissatisfied with the resolution.

We will use your complaint to review our systems, policies and procedures to improve our services.

Our complaints management system aligns with the requirements of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Act), National Disability Insurance Scheme (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018 (the Rules), the Aged Care Act 1997, Aged Care User Rights Principles 2014 and the Charter of Aged Care Rights 2019.
The Client may wish to raise their complaint with the:

NDIS Commission

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission


  • COL 0661v14 Incident Accident Reporting
  • COL 0530v18 Client Complaint Handling
  • COL 0552v8 Serious Incident Reporting


  • Form 0418v6 Consumer Complaint Form
  • Form 0604v8 Incident Accident and Hazard Investigation Report
  • Form 0618v9 Serious Incident Report Form
  • Form 0439v5 Employee Complaint Form